1 Nouvel Hay Magazine

De nos lectrices : 11 faits incroyables dans ces différents pays

par exemple Nauru : 

These days Nauru is facing one of the biggest problems in healthcare. The island is overweight, with more than 70% of the population classified as obese.[6]

Nauru has the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the world, with more than 40% of the affected population. The epidemic has been devastating to the island, causing a large epidemic of amputations and blindness.[6]

Healthcare in Nauru has suffered a severe blow from the epidemic. As more and more money went to healthcare, less went to prevention, and this led to a cycle. Nauru also suffered from poor healthcare, worsening the problem.[6]

With much of the landscape destroyed from phosphate farming, Nauru was forced to import food resources from western countries, leading to a sharp increase in consumption of processed food. With healthy food depleted from the island, obesity rates continued to climb.[6]

Due to a culture that saw obesity as wealth, many Nauruans began to view a sedentary lifestyle as preferable to one of hard work and physical exercise. This has only worsened the crisis.[6]

tout dans ce site :  Knwoledge Function 

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An infrastructure that uses and/or manipulates information and knowledge, including information/knowledge flow optimization within the network. Learn more in: A Unifying Framework Design for the Management of Autonomic Network Functions

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