Quand elle aura reconnu le génocide des Arméniens, évacué Chypre, rendu autonome le Kurdistan & démocratisé sa société , la Turquie sera digne..d’entrer dans l’U.E. , la libre opinion de Nersès Durman

De notre envoyé spécial aux Etats-Unis : TURKEY’S ADMISSION INTO THE EUROPEAN UNION – A TIME BOMB? « The Turks were there. Everything is ruin and mourning. » Victor Hugo The Turks arrived from central Asia in the twelfth century. The two Turk tribes settled on the threshold of Europe. Over the following centuries, being warriors and conquerers they occupied countries extending from Europe to Africa. During the Ottoman period, their empire stretched over 21 million square kilometres. Persecutions and abductions were the conquering power’s constant practice. After decades of…

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